Using Zello Friends & Family on Lock Screen and HUD (iOS)

  • Updated

This article is written for: Zello Work Zello Friends & Family.

This article only applies to the iOS version of Zello.

For help using Zello Work on the lock screen and HUD, please reference this support article.

The heads-up display (HUD) allows you to continue talking with another app open while Zello is in the background. You can also continue talking without having to unlock your phone by using the lock screen display.

Note: Starting with iOS 18, the HUD and lock screen features described below will be automatically enabled by default to allow Zello to continue running in the background.

How does it work?

Heads-up display (HUD)

When you have another app open and Zello running in the background, you can either select the blue status icon at the top of your iPhone or respond after receiving a live voice message. See screenshot for example: 


If you tap Leave, you will no longer receive live messages.

Lock Screen 

When your iPhone is locked and you receive a live Zello voice message, you can tap and hold Talk straight from your lock screen. See screenshot for example:


If you tap Leave, you will no longer receive live messages.

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