
  • Updated

This article is written for: Zello Work Zello Friends & Family.

Although Zello does not manufacture or sell accessories, we partner with several manufacturers to provide a variety of certified options. Our list of certified accessories includes rugged phones, network radios, headsets, speakers, microphones, and remote buttons.

Certified Accessories

Certified accessories have been tested in-house to work with Zello in push-to-talk mode while running in the background.

Please note that we are not able to provide in-depth technical support for Zello Friends & Family users with specific accessories beyond standard iOS and Android devices. If you're interested in receiving more hands-on support, consider upgrading to Zello Work.

Uncertified Accessories 

Other Bluetooth and wired accessories may be compatible with Zello under certain conditions, but we cannot guarantee they will work or provide technical assistance. 

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