Per our Privacy Policy, we do not listen to conversations between Zello users or in channels. For this reason, we rely on reports from Zello users to identify possible violations of our Community Guidelines and/or Terms of Service.
If you ever encounter content that makes you feel at all threatened, please contact law enforcement for your safety.
Below, you can find instructions on how to report different types of content on Zello.
User Profiles
- Open the profile of the user you wish to report
- Tap on the user’s profile picture
- Select the red flag icon in the lower right corner of picture
- Select your reasoning for the report from the listed options
- Open the profile of the user you wish to report
- Tap on the user’s profile picture
- Select the blue flag icon in the lower right corner of picture
- Select your reasoning for the report from the listed options
Channel Profiles
- Open the profile of the channel you wish to report
- Tap on the channel picture
- Select the red flag icon in the lower right corner of picture
- Select your reasoning for the report from the listed options
- Open the profile of the channel you wish to report
- Tap on the channel picture
- Select the blue flag icon in the lower right corner of picture
- Select your reasoning for the report from the listed options
Images Shared in Public Channels
- Tap the image you wish to report from the history screen
- Select the three dots icon in the lower right corner to open the image menu
- Select Delete and report – this will report the image and delete it from your history
- Tap the image you wish to report from the history screen
- Select the three dots icon in the lower right corner to open the image menu
- Select Delete and report – this will report the image and delete it from your history
What happens after a report is submitted?
Zello’s moderation team will review the reported content to assess whether it violates our Community Guidelines. If necessary, they will send a warning, ban the reported user, or block the reported channel.
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